What is you current education level?
What is the type of your institution's campus?
What type of area are you currently living in?
Are you satisfied with the structure of online courses conducted by your institution (virtual classes at the tertiary and secondary level, broadcast through national TV at the primary level)?
Did you have to make any adjustment to your current amenities? Please select as many apply.
What sort of inconveniences do you face during online classes? Select as many apply
How often do you lose your network connection / electricity during online classes?
How much do you usually spend per month on your internet connection?
What is your main mode of internet connection?
Does your institution have a fixed platform (Learning Management System) for online classes and submissions?
Have you ever missed an exam or a deadline due to issues with connection, infrastructure, or logistics?
Do you find current evaluation processes (exams, assignments) fair and accurate?
Do you feel that your online education is an economic burden on your family?
Which of the following do you recommend for improving the quality of online education during this pandemic? Select one or more.
Which of the following steps do you think is the most effective step?