Abir Muhtasim

Hi 👋, my name is


I am a final year student of Computer Science and Engineering at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). My primary interests lie in Software development and Artificial Intelligence. I enjoy learning new skills and implementing them in real life!

A little bit about me

I am a final year student from Department of CSE at BUET. My university life has been a well-balanced blend of academics and extracurricular activities. I am a passionate problem solver. I love solving complex problems and break them down to simple tasks.

I have a strong passion for learning new things and others say I tend to catch new things very fast. I am also a good team player. Being part of teams I participated and won several programming and development related competitions like GameJams, CTFs, Deep learning and Programming Contests.

In addition to my academic pursuits, I’ve been actively involved in extracurricular activities. I currently serve as the President of BUET Cyber Security Club. In my sophomore, junior years I have voulenteered as a Graphics Designer at IEEE Computer Society BUET Student Branch Chapter. I later took on the role of Technical Committee Chair where I helped organize several successful events.

I love Travelling. I have explored several beautiful destinations in Bangladesh and India, with plans to travel to Nepal, AnnaPurna Base Camp and Japan in the near future. One of my bucket list goals is to visit 40 countries before I turn 40. My other hobbies include photography, table tennis, cycling and anime.


Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering

Feb 2020 - Present | Current CGPA: 3.87/4.00

Ranked in the top 25% of the class.

Achieved Dean’s List award and University Merit Scholarsihp for outstanding academic performance.

Notable courses:

  • CSE 305 - Computer Architecture
  • CSE 307 - Software Engineering
  • CSE 309 - Compiler Design
  • CSE 313 - Operating Systems
  • CSE 317 - Artificial Intelligence
  • CSE 321 - Computer Networks
  • CSE 405 - Computer Security
  • CSE 409 - Computer Graphics
  • CSE 463 - Introduction to Bioinformatics

Thesis topic: Enabling multilingual UI interactions with LLMs.


Brainlytic Labs

Backend Developer (Part Time)

Jan 2023 – May 2023

Worked as a part-time developer on the backend of brainlytic.org, an online learning platform focused on math and logic for junior and high school students.

  • Designed and developed a robust scoring system for the quiz platform, enhancing user engagement and experience.
  • Implemented a comprehensive user progress tracking system, analyzing submissions, solves, scores, and attempts.
  • Collaborated on the backend of the platform using Express.js and PostgreSQL database.

I am skilled in




Some things I've built


Featured Project


A CTF (Capture the flag) platform where users can host CTF contests and participate as teams.

C Minus Minus

Featured Project

C Minus Minus

A Compiler made with flex and bison that translates a subset of C code into assembly language for the Intel 8086 processor.

Emscripten was used to convert the project to WebAssembly and JavaScript so that it can be run in the browser.


Featured Project


A puzzle platformer game made with Godot game Engine at GameJam 2023 organized by IEEE BUET SBC. This game was made under 5 days won the 2nd Runners Up prize at that contest.

2D Platformer

Featured Project


For the Database course project in Level-2/Term-2, developed a social media paltform for the current students of BUET with modules like newsfeed, following users, groups, marketplace and realtime messaging.


© Abir Muhtasim 2024